March 7, 2025

Pending subject

On June 5, the international day of the environment was celebrated, an event that since 1973 has been held annually in different cities, on this occasion the venue corresponded to Stockholm Sweden. With a series of meetings between governments and citizens, the conclave promoted the creation of a new era of international cooperation in favor of the precarious health of the planet. A pending subject that corresponds to attend to humanity as a whole.

In general, the celebration lacked the diffusion and interest that could be expected given the relevance of the topic. This makes clear a wrong order in terms of priorities for the future of Mother Earth.

When we talk about development, we generally think of activities such as industry, economy, infrastructure, among others, that can be measured tangibly in figures. In all these areas, the Riviera Jalisco-Colima-Nayarit has performed successfully and deserves an excellent rating. However, without the care and preservation of the natural environment, its most valuable asset, the achievements would collapse.
There are those who still ignore the warnings about ecological devastation and its serious consequences. They think that it is an issue that does not concern them directly; a problem that others will have to solve.
It is hopeful that both individually and collectively, an ecological culture is spreading throughout Banderas Bay. Every day there are more who assume their commitment and act accordingly. The real estate industry in Bahía de Banderas is proof of this and its progress is evident. For this sector, the environmentalist position has already gone from being a romantic and glamorous fashion to becoming a conviction.
The idea that it is more expensive to build and operate real estate taking into account the environmental impact has not yet completely disappeared. The evidence shows the opposite.
The benefits of complying with environmental measures are reflected in different items. The market shows a preference for buildings designed under the concept of sustainability. Real estate developers and entrepreneurs know this and therefore include environmental protection in their offer as one of their main competitive advantages. By respecting the regulations, fiscal prerogatives are obtained and the carrying out of procedures is facilitated. On the other hand, the reasonable use of natural resources such as water and energy translates into considerable savings.

The Riviera does not stop receiving visitors and increasing its number of inhabitants, which results in a greater demand for housing. A scenario that presents an enormous environmental challenge. The dilemma is to grow without planning, in a chaotic way or to do it in an orderly manner avoiding or minimizing the damage to nature. When talent and creativity come into play, the second option becomes viable.

It is encouraging that Bahía de Banderas has become a showcase of construction techniques that protect the environment: Bioarchitecture is one of them. Its proposal consists, broadly speaking, in returning to the origin creating healthy spaces respecting nature. Procedure already used by ancient cultures to live in harmony with their environment. The concept prioritizes the use of natural materials free of toxic products. One of its most important objectives is to build self-sustaining homes, which is why it implements energy efficiency systems and the rational use of natural resources.
It is comforting to see that in this paradise the swarm of concrete has not ended up devouring the wonderful nature. The real estate industry makes an important contribution so that we can continue to enjoy this privilege and deserves recognition. It is proven that the advantages and comforts of modern life do not necessarily have to harm the environment.
Global warming is a consequence of the unconsciousness and selfishness that still prevails in a part of humanity. The damage does not distinguish races, creeds or socioeconomic conditions. Everyone’s life depends on the protection of the environment. A pending issue that sectors of the Riviera are already attending to properly. However, much remains to be done and this is not the time to lower our guard

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