March 7, 2025

Sustainability… beyond it

For primitive peoples, the relationship of interdependence with nature was clear and evident, which is why they respected it. Modernity put aside this premise and ecological depredation advanced rapidly to the point of endangering life on the planet.

It was not until the sixties of the last century that the alarming situation was recognized. Only in 1972 the first world conference on the environment was used.

From all sides, voices are emerging pointing to the urgent need to stop the ecological devastation and warning of the consequences of ignoring it. Beyond romantic ideals, it is a matter of survival. All human activities influence the environment in one way or another, including of course the real estate industry. Despite this, in some sectors there is resistance to assuming responsibilities, whether due to ignorance, denial or interests of all kinds.

The effects of accelerated and poorly planned urbanization have repercussions, among other harmful effects, on global warming, a phenomenon that affects all the inhabitants of the earth without distinction. Thanks to more and more responsible developers whose architectural designs are complemented with strategies focused on the protection of ecosystems that also translate into operating cost savings for owners and tenants.

In Mexico, rules have been established regarding the construction and administration of properties to avoid or reduce environmental damage. It is a matter of rights and obligations that entails incentives and penalties.

The authorities grant fiscal benefits and certifications to motivate the real estate industry to practice sustainable development. However, there are those who just go alone wielding the argument: “It is better to apologize than ask permission.” Others resort to bribery and cheating to break the law, generally these attitudes are risky and counterproductive. Taking into account the legal-environmental aspects and the laws that regulate them avoids from fines to closures or cancellation of projects.

It is essential to determine the federal maritime-terrestrial zones before establishing residential or other types of businesses in their demarcation. Once it is known that the normal risks are in that circumspection, it is necessary to know the corresponding environmental regulations, otherwise there is a risk of incurring in legal conflicts.

In the case of buying and selling real estate, there is an issue that needs to be reviewed: environmental liabilities, which refer to contaminated properties that were not adequately treated under the remediation parameters established by law. The penalties are applied directly to the owners without considering whether or not they are guilty of the damage. Therefore, it is convenient to include clauses that define the responsibility of each of the parties involved in the operations.

In maritime areas such as the Jalisco- Riviera Nayarit, nature conservation is a vital issue. The tourist influx depends to a great extent on it. Certain destinations in Mexico and the world that have neglected this issue allowing pollution on beaches, devastation of flora and fauna, among other calamities, suffer a serious decrease in visitors, considerably reducing the economy of the entire population. In order to generate a framework consistent with sustainable development, real estate must pay attention to several key points: greenhouse emissions, conservation and management of energy, water resources and ecosystems and waste management, to name a few.

Although much remains to be done in terms of sustainability, every day more entrepreneurs in the real estate industry focus on creating projects that favor it. The Riviera Nayarit is a leader in our country in terms of ecological real estate awareness. Hotels like Hard Rock Vallarta and Gran Palladium are an example that the generation of wealth can walk hand in hand with environmental protection.

In this region, natural resources represent a wonderful competitive advantage over other destinations. To a great extent they have been essential for its economic prosperity in general and in the real estate industry in particular. To protect them, it is necessary to nurture and root a solid and committed culture of environmental care, otherwise the scenario, now so promising, can be reversed.

It depends on the authorities and the community working as a team so that the Riviera continues to be a paradise. Sustainability and added value are an indissoluble dumbbell.

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