On April 24, the inauguration of Valartemodel apartment took place, the new development strategically located in Fluvial Vallarta, which will be ready to deliver in the summer of 2024.
The meeting point was in the wide lobby and began with the blessing of the priest, to continue the official inauguration of the ribbon cutting. Among those who carried it out were: Karen Malacara, Director of New Projects at Grupo Gova; Patricia Virgen, Managing Partner of Trascende Desarrollos and; Taniel Chemsian and Carl Timothy, representatives of the two marketers of the proyect.
Hicieron una breve descripción y hablaron de las cualidades del proyecto y de cómo Valarte se distingue de los demás desarrollos de la zona y las ventajas de adquirir una unidad ahí. Asimismo, comentaron que casi el 50% está ya vendido y con la inauguración del departamento modelo se espera que muy pronto se termine de vender.
They gave a brief description and talked about the qualities of the project and how Valarte stands out from other developments in the area and the advantages of acquiring a unit there. They also commented that almost 50% has already been sold and with the inauguration of the model department it is expected that it will be sold very soon.
Subsequently, the sample apartment was shown, which was decorated by the designer Anna Cuadra, who commented that the interior design of this apartment is characterized by the novelty of using the eclectic style where there are more modern areas and other more elegant ones.