marzo 9, 2025

Release of sea turtles from July to December

Every year, between July and December, hundreds of baby sea turtles are released. In Puerto Vallarta, you can find several turtle camps run by biologists and volunteers, dedicated to protecting this amazing species, collecting and caring for the eggs once the mother turtle lays them and until they hatch and are ready to venture out into the ocean. Join this unique adventure and help protect this endangered species. Here are some camps where you can help and participate in the release of the turtles:

Boca de Tomates Sea Turtle Camp

The Boca de Tomates Saving Sea Turtles release camp & sanctuary is right behind the Puerto Vallarta airport on the beach.

On average, about 60,000 turtles are released each year. The babies are released at dusk to minimize the risk of being preyed upon by birds, fish and other natural predators. When booking a tour it includes:

Ground transportation in vans with A/C
Small group visit to the turtle camp
Educational talk about sea turtles by a professional biologist
At sunset, help release baby sea turtles and bring them safely to the ocean
A donation to the sea turtle camp conservation program
Your donations to the sea turtle release camp help keep conservation efforts alive by supporting the hard work of a dedicated team of Mexican biologists and volunteers to increase the survival rate of the Olive Ridley sea turtle.

Turtle Release CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta

Since 2005, it has been one of the leading sea turtle conservation resorts in Banderas Bay, releasing an average of 60,000 sea turtle hatchlings each season. After they are born, guests of all ages are invited to participate in the launch. Release dates and times will vary by month and day, so we recommend calling ahead to plan your visit.

+52 322-226-0000

Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa Paseo La Marina Norte 435, Marina Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 48335

Mayto turtle sanctuary

The Mayto Sea Turtle Camp is one of the largest camps in the state of Jalisco and has been in existence for 17 years, 2 hours south of Puerto Vallarta. They are focused on environmental education and conservation through student programs and volunteer camps.

For more information click here

Turtle Release Nuevo Vallarta Sanctuary

In Nuevo Vallarta at Playa Flamingos, there is a sea turtle reserve dedicated to the conservation, hatching, and release of baby sea turtles.

To see release dates and times click here

Sayulita Turtle Release Camp

Take a short walk on the beach to reach the Sayulita Turtle Release Camp. Baby sea turtle releases occur the same day they hatch, meaning release dates and times can only be announced by 10am on the day of the event.

To consult doubts and the location, visit their page here

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