October 23, 2024

The Future of Underwater Exploration: Sentinel, the City Under the Sea

In a world where the limits of exploration are constantly expanding, we now turn our attention to the depths of the ocean. Scheduled to open in 2027, Sentinel, the underwater city, promises to change the way we understand and study the ocean.

Deep: Innovation in the Underwater World

Deep, a leading UK-based engineering company, is leading this ambitious project to achieve “permanent human presence” under the sea. Their vision is to allow people to live 200 meters deep in the ocean for 28 days straight, an unprecedented feat.

Sentinel: Modular and Sustainable

The core of this project is Sentinel, a series of underwater habitable modules that will serve as laboratories, observatories and homes. These modules are customizable, sustainable and designed to withstand the rigorous conditions of the ocean.

Commitment to Safety and the Environment

Deep works in collaboration with DNV, a leading certification body, to ensure the security of Sentinel. In addition, they are developing an innovative waste treatment system that reduces environmental impact.

Sentinel: A Research and Learning Center

Sentinel will not only be a multinational research center, but also an ocean university campus. This will provide students with unique opportunities to learn and experience underwater exploration.

Access for Photographers and Journalists

Sentinel will be open not only to scientists, but also to photographers and journalists interested in discovering the underwater world, thus expanding its reach.

Training and Education

Deep has established an institute dedicated to training competent divers essential to the operation and habitability of Sentinel. This underwater station is expected to be ready in 2027.


Future Ocean Exploration

Deep is transforming underwater exploration and opening new frontiers in understanding the oceans. Sentinel, the underwater city, will become a beacon of ocean discovery and preservation, marking a milestone in our relationship with this valuable Earth resource.

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