March 7, 2025

Real Estate Crowdfundings: How do they work?

Real estate crowdfunding is a way to finance real estate projects by raising funds from multiple investors online. This form of financing often attracts many individual investors with small contributions, as the projects are often large enough to require a large amount of capital. The portal acts as an intermediary between investors and the project promoter, who discuss investment arrangements. The portal usually verifies the solvency of the property developer, guaranteeing the safety of investors’ funds.

In a context of innovation and transformation, crowdfunding has become a key source for real estate ventures. This is because it is a more agile, economical and simple way to raise funds for real estate projects without the need to use traditional bank loans.

It is possible to invest in real estate projects directly through a crowdfunding platform and obtain an expected return. This will allow investors to invest in a wide variety of real estate projects at various stages, from construction to rental financing, through initial development, land acquisition or building refurbishment.

On crowdfunding platforms you can find projects from apartments to industrial warehouses, including shopping centers, mixed uses, hotels, offices and all kinds of properties. Some platforms can allow investments as low as $50, making crowdfunding for real estate projects inclusive to a wide variety of investors.

Likewise, crowdfunding allows the investor to become strongly involved in the project by supporting it in various ways, from recommending potential tenants to general development advice. This increases the trust between the investor and the real estate project by allowing them to obtain additional benefits to their financial commitment. In conclusion, crowdfunding has opened the door to a new way of investing in real estate projects that offers greater flexibility and possibilities for everyone involved.

Where is crowdfunding most common?

While it is true, real estate crowdfunding works best in those countries that have a more advanced financial and legal infrastructure. This means that countries with large and developed economies, which allow for greater regulation and financial security, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany or the Netherlands, have a greater presence of real estate ventures in crowdfunding. Regulation and adherence to a strong rule of law allow investors and entrepreneurs to have the necessary security and confidence to work on these projects. These ventures are also popular in countries that have opened their economies and are beginning a gradual modernization, such as Spain, France, Greece, Turkey, among others.

In Mexico, there are several real estate investment crowdfunding and sites available for small investors. These sites offer a safer way to invest in the real estate market with the help of crowdfunding, as well as the possibility of investing in the type of project of your choice: from residential developments to commercial projects.

¿Cómo puedo invertir en crowdfundings inmobiliarios?

Algunos de los sitios de Crowdfunding de inversiones inmobiliarias disponibles en México incluyen Nexo Inmobiliario, iInvierta, Me Invierto, Smart Investment y Briq.Mx. Estos sitios ofrecen a los inversores la oportunidad de invertir en proyectos inmobiliarios locales en los que pueden participar a partir de $ 100 dólares. Las posibilidades de inversión varían desde  proyectos de construcción residencial, comercial y turístico que estén disponibles en plataformas de Crowdfunding.

Potential returns may vary depending on the project, the investment term and the capital invested. Investors can typically expect to receive compounded returns of up to 10% per year. In conclusion, real estate investment crowdfunding is normally a safe way for small investors in Mexico.

Es importante decir que el crowdfunding no es una forma de financiamiento directamente regulada por la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV). Sin embargo, existen varias plataformas de crowdfunding en México reguladas por el Instituto para la Protección al Ahorro Bancario (IPAB). Dichas plataformas hacen un seguimiento específico de los proyectos de crowdfunding y cumplen con los estándares financieros básicos. También  ofrecen una variedad de modelos de crowdfunding que van desde donaciones hasta préstamos, recompensas y otros. Los aportes hechos a estas plataformas se realizan a través de una cuenta bancaria, y los fondos se reciben en dicha cuenta bancaria. Los inversores pueden recibir sus intereses y capital de vuelta en cuotas mensuales.

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