March 7, 2025

The new technologies of the "hospitality of the future"

Technology has become an inseparable ally of our lives, transforming every aspect of society. The tourism sector has not been immune to this technological revolution and one of the fields that has experienced the most changes is the hotel sector and the hospitality industry. The "hotel of the future" is a reality that is getting closer. 

Currently, new consumers have a concept much more linked to technologies and to the "always connected", therefore, the difference between one hotel and another is marked not only by WiFi, but also by other cutting-edge tools, devices and applications that make life easier for guests, including disruptive new technologies known as artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented virtual reality (VR/AR).

According to Oracle Hospitality's Hotel 2025 Report, 26% of the tourists consulted agreed to return to an accommodation that offers services through these modalities, with intelligent and connected rooms, where guests can personalize their environment and enjoy tailored services. 

The future caught up with us


En el “hotel del futuro”, las habitaciones son verdaderos santuarios tecnológicos, diseñados para ofrecer a los usuarios una estancia cómoda y personalizada. Los sistemas de domótica inteligente permiten controlar la iluminación, la temperatura y los dispositivos electrónicos mediante comandos de voz o a través de aplicaciones móviles. Además, los espejos interactivos muestran información relevante, como el clima, noticias y eventos locales, mientras que las camas están equipadas con sensores que ajustarán automáticamente la firmeza y posición para garantizar un descanso perfecto.

Virtual reality, a window to the world


La RV se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental para la industria hotelera. Los huéspedes pueden explorar virtualmente las instalaciones del hotel antes de reservar, visualizando las habitaciones, áreas comunes y servicios disponibles. Además, la realidad virtual permite a los viajeros visitar destinos turísticos remotos y experimentar actividades emocionantes sin salir de su habitación. ¡Imagina disfrutar de un safari en África o realizar un recorrido por las pirámides de Egipto!, todo esto a través de unos lentes de realidad virtual. 

Artificial intelligence for personalized attention

AI is playing a crucial role in personalizing the guest experience. Virtual assistants, such as chatbots and robots, are available 24 hours a day to answer questions, provide recommendations, and resolve issues. These assistants are based on algorithms capable of learning from guests' preferences, anticipating their needs and offering personalized services, for which they analyze large amounts of data and obtain relevant information on guest behavior, which will allow hotels to improve their services and anticipate market demands.

Por otro lado, la Inteligencia Artificial también puede aplicarse para mejorar la eficiencia de los servicios en plataformas como Airbnb y la experiencia de los usuarios. Asimismo, los alquileres privados se pueden beneficiar al ofrecer comodidades que tradicionalmente se asocian con los hoteles, como llegadas independientes con códigos de acceso personalizados y conexión WiFi de alta velocidad.


These options allow guests to enter the property easily and safely, without the need to coordinate meeting times. This provides greater flexibility and convenience, especially for those who arrive late or need to check-in after hours.

In addition, having a top-of-the-line WiFi connection is essential to meet the needs of guests in the digital age. The fast and stable connection allows guests to enjoy streaming services, work remotely or stay connected with loved ones during their stay.

By implementing these features, private rentals can offer an attractive and competitive experience, approaching the level of amenities and services found in hotels, allowing guests to enjoy the privacy and authenticity of a private home, without sacrificing amenities. that you expect during your stay.

There is no doubt that the tourism industry is constantly evolving, and those who adapt to these technological advances will be better positioned to provide unique and satisfying experiences to travelers. With the right mix of technology, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, the hotel industry is ready to write a new chapter in its history.

What do you think? Send me your comments.

By Marc Murphy

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