marzo 8, 2025

“Tides of Change”, about the relationship with the oceans

On the occasion of the International Day of the Oceans, the joint exhibition of the sculptor Daría Lomelí and the photographer Samuel Reséndiz was presented on June 10 at the Los Mangos Library.

“Mareas de Cambio” or “Tides of Change” is the name of the Exhibition that captures the creativity and talent of these artists from Vallarta, communicating their perspective and their feelings about what the ocean is, the life that takes place in it, how, to whom it really belongs and what can we do to ensure a better relationship with it and with marine life.

During the Inauguration, a forum was held in which participated great guests such as: Mara García, writer, Yuridia Curiel, biologist, Eder Soriano, marine biologist and Tania Mancha as Moderator.

We share below a text by Dr. Gabriela Scartascini Spadaro

Daría González and Samuel Reséndiz are talents from Vallarta. Samuel is a marine photographer; Daria, sculptor. Today we are celebrating his artistic gaze on the vast ocean with these “Tides of Change”.

Their “patasaladas” (demonym for the people of Vallarta footprints are marked in the waters of Banderas Bay where nature rejoices in a play of blues and greens. In this flow, the Sierra Madre submerges in the sea of Vallarta to merge with the waves; the rivers run freely towards that other salty universe, while carrying with them the earth and fragments of parotas, springs or guamúchiles, navigators invited to the celebration of marine life.

In these “Tides of Change”, the nuances of light fading into the depths are rediscovered, the cadence of flying in the water and breathing in amazement at the immensity of the sea. Artists enjoy expressing themselves on a territory that we can share, but which, they know, belongs to other living beings. This exhibition is a tribute of Art to the owners of the oceans.

Samuel, since childhood, lived surrounded by the endless blue-green of the Pacific that awakened his creative soul, and today, thanks to his expert eye, we can see the world just as he sees it. His images enhance the natural beauty of the region in its own midst; his skill with his lens allows us to transport ourselves to that dazzling world in motion that is hidden a few meters below the surface of the sea.

Daría is a plastic artist who flows light as water and is committed to the dissemination and teaching of art, as a means of expression, emotional self-regulation and creative dissemination. For this exhibition, she has rescued raw material from the region. Trunks of parotas -with their beautiful natural reddish color that allows unique creations- and springs -docile, like a blank canvas- embrace clay and ceramics with new meanings. Present in her history, Sunday visits to the beach, a treasured and ever-present tradition and memory, are reflected in delicate works inspired by the richness of the seascape.

This exhibition for the International Day of the Oceans is made up of unique and original sculptures and photographs, with compositions of details that delight, revive our senses and remind us of the obligation of being human with other living beings. Through their works, Daría and Samuel recover habits, customs, migrations, freedoms and companionship of marine beings in their natural world.

Respect through Art.

Awareness of two interconnected and also independent worlds.

Today, memories are reflected in the present; are printed with creative and powerful energy. Art in the hands of these artists creates a singular poetic universe to the rhythm of their sculptures and photographs. With the Vallarta sea as a faithful companion, they share a sensitive vision that celebrates the ocean, to bring us closer, inform us and connect with it. It is a magical, almost magnetic experience that delights the senses and caresses the soul.


Curatorial text by Dr. Gabriela Scartascini Spadaro,

Research professor CUCOSTA, UDG

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