October 15, 2024

Environmental impact and real estate developments in Puerto Vallarta

In a constantly changing world, where urban development faces environmental challenges, the tourist destination of Puerto Vallarta is no stranger to this reality. In search of answers, we interviewed Ricardo Díaz Borioli, an expert in the Environment and Director of Corporativo Ambiental. With his clear and direct vision, Díaz Borioli shed light on the repercussions of real estate voracity and government corruption in the region.

From the golden beaches to the mountains that surround Puerto Vallarta, real estate development has had an undeniable impact on the local ecology. Díaz Borioli, with decades of experience in the environmental field, did not hesitate to point to "greedy developers" as one of the main culprits for this degradation. “It's a wild race for profit, without considering the long-term impact,” he tells us with visible concern.

However, the problem is not just limited to developers. According to Díaz Borioli, government corruption has played a critical role in the deterioration of Puerto Vallarta. By turning a blind eye to environmental regulations and permissiveness toward unsustainable construction, the government has allowed the region's natural beauty and resources to be sacrificed.

One of the most pressing problems that stands out is the lack of water. With developments demanding large amounts of this vital resource, the region faces a shortage crisis. “Puerto Vallarta cannot sustain the current pace of construction if we don't address the water problem,” warns Díaz Borioli.

However, not everything is pessimism in the expert's vision. Although he acknowledges that there is an “environmental debt” with Puerto Vallarta, he also believes in the region's ability to recover and in the power of collective action to turn the tide. “We have a unique opportunity to redefine development, to do it in a sustainable and fair way,” he says.

For Ricardo, the first step is the recognition of the problems and the responsibility that we all share, from the government and developers to the citizens. Puerto Vallarta deserves a future in which its natural beauty and cultural richness are not only respected, but also celebrated.

We invite our readers to watch the full interview, where Ricardo Díaz Borioli delves into these issues and offers an invaluable perspective on the future of Puerto Vallarta.

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