October 22, 2024

Puerto Vallarta, the best option

With the onset of the pandemic and throughout the quarantine, needs have arisen that were not previously con- templated by people. One of them is the acquisition, for those who have the capacity to do so, of second homes. Whether in rural areas or at the beach, it is a reality that the demand for these homes has been increasing and that is why a great sales season is forecast in November.

Although it is true that the purchase – sale of real estate in beach areas depends on many factors, for example the situation of the markets, the buyer’s personal finances and the specific situation of the city, the acquisition of an alternative residence has become a necessity for a certain population group. In the understanding that the trend is the home office, and that it has come to stay, people seek to spend more ti- me in their second home, adapted to the new needs that the renewed ways of working imply: lots of light, energy efficiency , sound insulation and pollution prevention.

Likewise, people are in search of a home that, in addition to which they will spend more time in, is a place where work and psychological stress is considerably reduced. Another important factor in this search is the ease with which physical activity could be carried out outdoors and avoiding contact with the rest of the people.

The pandemic that is hitting the world has also raised awareness about health and the new implications it entails; for example, the importance of staying in good physical and mental condition. That is why the advantages of a home by the sea have never been so well appreciated and considered as until now. Among these advantages and benefits are mainly the absence of pollution, a natural remedy for those with respiratory problems and heart conditions, benefits for the skin (such as a “shot” of vitamin D) and the reduction of stress caused by living in the big cities, where the risk of contagion is much higher, life is faster and where there is no way to escape pollution and collective psychosis.

These are the reasons why Puerto Vallarta and the Riviera Nayarit are postulated as one of the best options for the acquisition of real es- tate as a second or even as a first home. It is the renovation of its spa- ces, the added value, the excellent prices for all kinds of needs and tastes, the great offer of Premium hospital services and connectivity that make this area of the Mexican Pacific the best option for investing in a alternative residence or a permanent life option.

Camila Acuña

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