marzo 8, 2025

National tourism and its role in the reactivation of the tourism sector

Regarding the holiday period of Holy Week and Easter, today I want to touch again on the subject of national tourism, also known as domestic tourism or internal tourism, and its importance in the economic reactivation of the sector in Mexico.

Tourism, which is one of the most important sources of resources for the country, after remittances, shows its resilience since 2021, by maintaining a gradual recovery, returning to the seasonal dynamics that characterize it.

Regarding national tourism, let us remember that after the closure of international borders due to the covid-19 pandemic, this emerged as a solution for the reactivation of tourism in the country. Many Mexicans and residents chose to travel, visit magical towns, rural areas or even stay in a hotel in their own city to rest and live different experiences that would make them get out of the monotony.

Since then, tourism has been promoted in areas that were previously less visited, in addition to many national tourists becoming more interested in the culture and history of the country, thus contributing to the promotion of the cultural richness of Mexico.


Continuing on the subject, I want to share some data that shows the importance of national tourism in Mexico, a country that, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council –WTTC for its acronym in English–, is one of the largest markets in the world, occupying fifth place among those with the highest volume of resident travelers.

Another noteworthy fact, according to the Datatur Tourism Satellite Account, is the confirmation that this segment represents the greatest contribution to the country’s economy, since 76.3% of tourism consumption is exercised by these travelers. Likewise, it can be observed that in tourist destinations with more than 2,000 rooms, 72.3% of tourists who arrive at hotel rooms are residents of the country.

At a global level the data is even more revealing. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) indicates that domestic tourism in the world is 9 billion trips and its contribution is 68% of the total. Likewise, for every international tourist there are at least six internal tourists.

Importance of national tourism

As a climax I want to share several reasons why I consider domestic tourism to be extremely important:

  • Domestic tourism can be an important source of income and employment for local tourism communities.
  • When people travel within their own country, they have the opportunity to learn more about the country’s culture, history, and diversity.
  • It can be an opportunity to promote more sustainable tourism practices.
  • National tourism can help strengthen the local tourism industry, promoting the development of new tourism alternatives and the diversification of the tourism offer.
  • It could be an alternative to reduce dependence on international tourism, which can be affected by political, economic or health situations in other countries.


What do you think? Send me your comments to

By: Marc Murphy

Tourism and Real Estate Consultant


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