octubre 23, 2024

From expectations to reality

PROPERTY JOURNAL/ PUERTO VALLARTA.- In the face of the social and economic upheaval generated by the pandemic, a cloud of uncertainty floated in the real estate industry around the world. The Riviera Jalisco Nayarit was no exception. The dizzying changes in habits and lifestyles were striking, one of the most notable being confinement. As a result of this, the conditions of the real estate market changed radically.

The demand for places that provided security and comfort grew exponentially, which meant real and concrete opportunities for the region. It was about not only surviving, but also growing. In the twenty-twenty-first the so-called “new reality” was installed and the sector knew how to adapt and take advantage of it. From the appearance of vaccines the displacement of human beings, engine of the industry, began to increase significantly.

It’s true, nothing will ever be the same again. For some, this situation can be a source of discouragement, for the industry it is a challenge that they face with optimism because they trust their ability to get ahead in the face of any challenge.

The transition to twenty twenty-one occurs within the framework of the opening of flights from the main markets for the Riviera real estate industry: the United States, Canada and Mexico. Other actions such as the improvement of roads influence its recovery and development.

The behavior of the branch of properties for sale or rent during the twenty-first in the area was growth. There are strong hopes that in the very near twenty-two this phenomenon will not only continue, but will increase. A forceful comment that reinforces this expectation was provided by Pedro Fernández, national leader of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) who in an interview with thejournal El Financierosaid: … in the twenty-first, the sector will become the first generating axis of economy in the country.

One of the many factors influencing the promising prospects for the real estate industry is the diversification of markets. Trends arise at every moment in the tourism field that necessarily have an impact on the sector. There are many examples of this. Today’s widespread practice of working from home using the internet, the increase in retirees, the habits and customs of the ever-widening LGBT community, those of the millennial generation, to name a few. This last sector, according to information from Infonavit, until recently was basically focused on the rental of real estate and currently it is also directed to the purchase of the same.

The influx to the beaches last year was higher compared to other destinations, which allows us to expect that the numbers of visitors will increase next year. The Riviera Jalisco-Nayarit-Tepic has excellent conditions and advantages to meet the needs of the market. It is one of the five most important tourist centers in Mexico. Added to the beauty of its geography is a sustained development in urban infrastructure in general and tourism in particular.

To put it colloquially, real estate on the Riviera has the table set. However, the sector will have to prepare to face the high levels of competitiveness that arise in the vast number of beach destinations located in all latitudes.

It is necessary to take into account all the factors that enhance the privileged situation of the real estate industry in the region. We will have to pay attention to the analysis of the competition, the technological update to know and use the powerful tools it offers. It will be necessary to strengthen other actions such as teamwork, resort to the support of experts on the subject in order to generate new and better strategies, to name some of the most important considerations.

But above all, an attitude is required to transform challenges into opportunities. We must not forget that in the end, each individual, each community and each company, are the ones who generate their new and own reality.

*el financiero.com.mx


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